«Una filosofía de trabajo sustentada en más de 15 años de evidencia clínica y ciencia.»
In vitro
- Relevant Aspects of Titanium Topography for Osteoblastic Adhesion and Inhibition of Bacterial Colonization

Informe justificativo sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de implantes dentales endoóseos tipo surgimplant IPX gr IV de la empresa Galimplant S.L.

Informe justificativo sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de implantes dentales endoóseos tipo surgimplant CE de la empresa Galimplant S.L.

Informe justificativo sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de implantes dentales endoóseos modelo ISD de la empresa galimplant S.L.

Osteoblastic Cell Behavior and Gene Expression Related to
Bone Metabolism on Different Titanium Surfaces

Titanium Surface Characteristics Induce the Specific Reprogramming of Toll-like Receptor Signaling
in Macrophages

Influence of the Titanium Implant Surface Treatment
on the Surface Roughness and Chemical Composition

In vivo
Valoración histológico-morfométrica de los implantes IPX con distintos tratamientos de la plataforma del implante

Importance of the Roughness and Residual Stresses of
Dental Implants on Fatigue and Osseointegration Behavior.
In Vivo Study in Rabbits

Early Loading of Two Implants Supporting Mandibular Overdentures in Geriatric Edentulous Patients: A 12-Year Follow-Up Study

Photobiomodulation in dental implant stability and
post-surgical healing and inflammation. A randomised
double-blind study

Immediate Functional Loading with Full-Arch Fixed Implant-Retained Rehabilitation in Periodontal Patients: Clinical Study

Impact of abutment geometry on early implant marginal bone
loss. A double-blind, randomized, 6-month clinical trial

Effect Morphology and Surface Treatment of the Abutments of
Dental Implants on the Dimension and Health of Peri-Implant Biological Space

The Application of Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate in Implant Dentistry: A Systematic Evaluation of Clinical Studies

Influence of abutment characteristics on marginal bone level changes in immediate loading implant-supported full-arch

Long‐Term Clinical Study of Implants Placed in Maxillary
Sinus Floor Augmentation Using Beta‐Tricalcium Phosphate

Immediate Post-Extraction Short Implant Placement with
Immediate Loading and without Extraction of an Impacted Maxillary Canine: Two Case Reports

Evaluation of quality of life and satisfaction in patients with
fixed prostheses on zygomatic implants compared with the allon-four concept: Prospective randomized clinical study

Colocación de implantes y rehabilitación prostodóncica en pacientes con limitación ósea y
asimetría facial

Estética inmediata en un paciente con agenesia de incisivos laterales maxilares utilizando osteodilatadores y cirugía guiada

Rehabilitación del paciente con atrofia maxilar posterior
con prótesis removible soportada por cuatro implantes

Resultados clínicos a cuatro años de los tratamientos
con implantes dentales en pacientes parcial y
totalmente desdentados

Reabilitação fixa com implantes por meio de cirurgia guiada asistida por computador e carga imediata

Sobredentaduras mandibulares sobre dos implantes en
pacientes edéntulos totales. Un estudio a tres años

La rehabilitación con implantes en el paciente edéntulo
maxilar mediante cirugía guiada y carga inmediata

Survival rates and bone loss after immediate loading of implants in fresh extraction sockets (single gaps). A clinical prospective study with 4 year follow-up

Impact of audiovisual information on anxiety and fear
in patients undergoing dental implant treatment

Lithium Disilicate Crown, Zirconia Hybrid Abutment and Platform Switching to Improve the Esthetics in Anterior Region: A Case Report
